Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Django Loves...

Picnicking on the floor! Every time I pull a snack out of the fridge, he wants to sit on the kitchen floor and eat it... I've been trying to redirect to the outside table but either way it's fun. I am not really into putting limitations on his explorations and needs.

Summertime is so amazing! We have been having so much fun on the bike! We've been hiking a bunch of times (which he ASKS to do), he's loving his veggies and fresh fruit, swimming, and drawing with chalk (all over the house), the other day he walked about 5 blocks to the store (but got a shoulder ride back), I seriously love summer time! I am going to be really sad to see it go, I'm dreading it!

Little guy has been getting molars so he's been pretty cranky off and on, the first time my patience has even been slightly tested with him... It makes me sad to see him in pain! I got a tip that black panda licorice from the freezer might help to numb the teeth, I am going to try that when he wakes up from his nap.

It's so weird that this is my life now... so awesome and weird.

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