Saturday, April 25, 2009

What I am...

So, I rarely have down time... and I would like to think it's because I am doing a lot of productive things but today I have claimed down time because it's yukky outside and I don't at all feel like baking. The weather is yukky, I am stuck at the bakery... and nobody wants to come to the bakery when the weather is yukky so I figured I'd update my blog.

Here's what's up with me... I own a vegan bakery in the suburbs of Salt Lake City... after talking about starting various vegan businesses for many years I finally did it (about a year ago). I guess the real trick was tethering myself to one place for more than a few months. I am still not at all fully invested in being stuck here but for now, this is where I am... this is what I do...
so that's the bakery... I'm pretty proud of it, even though it's a small operation in the alley of a Chinese food spot...

I've also been training for triathlons. It's pretty intense... I've been doing two work outs a day and it's exhausting. I guess that would be why I have no time more than anything. I guess I've always been drawn to crazy extreme stuff but I like doing things I can be proud of. I have my first race in a few weeks and I am looking forward to it so much!!! I got to go check out my new bike today, it came in to the bike shop but they still have to build it... it's amazing!
Here is my last, and best time sucker... Little Django Riot eating his first ever lime sorbet cone. (First frozen treat cone of any sort!)... He was pretty excited about it!

I never wanted kids, I always thought I would be a terrible and really selfish Mom. I was terrified of the pain of child birth, I was terrified of being awkward and not knowing what to do as a parent, I was terrified of not knowing what to do when the tears came... as it turns out I am really good at all of those things, and have never felt so fulfilled and so much love in my life!

Circumstance that was unfavorable brought Django into my life but nothing has ever been so perfect! Seeing his eyes light up when he discovers something new... Watching him learn new things, doing things that seem so strange for a child to do, his hugs, kisses, laughter... everything about him is so perfect and amazing. It's pretty rough at times, especially financially... being a single Mom, small business owner with zero child support is not the best situation to be in for someone with a potentially expensive hobby like racing, but Django comes first and I am ok with that...

So there it is, the wasting of a few minutes of free time I took for myself, to reflect on the things that are important to me... It feels theraputic and I will probably do it more often.



Moon & Little said...

Motherhood is the ultimate experience for sure! Nothing tops it!

Ditto my friend!!!

lauren ♥ said...

kelly, please keep up with this blog! i love to read about how my friends are doing. you are a great mom! you know that unfavorable circumstances also made me a mother, but i think that is why we are so good at it. because we have to be. it's hard being mom and dad all the time, but sooo rewarding in the end. <3