Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cannuck the wonder kitty...

I just wanted to take a minute and reflect on the most amazing cat I ever had... Cannuck passed away yesterday for unknown reasons. We took her to the vet after I stayed up hugging her all night (much like I had done the night before I lost Nelix) because she had lost interest in eating. They took her temperature and she was cold so they tried to warm her and she passed away peacefully with heating blankets on her.... I assume it was her kidneys, and it came on pretty suddenly. Makes it pretty rough.

Django keeps taking bowls out to the spot where she slept on the back lawn and meowing, he's trying to give her water and it's breaking my heart! It's amazing how smart he is sometimes...

Nook was such an amazing cat... she loved soy dairy products, when ever she smelled me eating soy yogurt, cereal, anything... she'd come and beg to have some. She'd do this super cute thing where she would stand up on her back legs and put one paw in the air like a prairie dog... `I really can't believe she's gone, no preperation for losing her at all either.

R.I.P. Nook, best kitty I ever had, you are forever loved...

Here's a pic with her after Django was born laying on his warmth, she was always so sweet and loving... I like to think that she's somewhere playing with Nelix...


Moon & Little said...


I just found your blog, so I had to comment~! :)


lauren ♥ said...

this made me cry. i'm so sorry you've lost both your pets. <3

Kelly Green said...

Thank you!

It's rough because Django has been walking around this whole week looking for her. Meowing and pointing to where she would normally sleep, he's also been trying to take her bowls of water. It's rough.