Friday, July 17, 2009


Django broke my little digital camera so I haven't updated in a while... with out photos to add it just doesn't seem that much fun...

I have my second triathlon tomorrow. I rented a sleeveless wetsuit, hopefully that will help with the feeling confined factor. I hope my swim time is better on this race... at least the water won't be disgusting!!!

The bakery is ten thousand degrees today... I told some lady I wouldn't bake a cake for her (for the first time EVER) and that she had to just come in and get cupcakes instead because I refuse to turn the oven back on.

Vegan Essentials sold through the first order of dillos!!! I hope they keep selling because that will mean I can relocate the bakery out of state and just do mail order (when I get a few more accounts)...

Django knows SOOOO many words now and has been asking to use the potty, pretty awesome!!! I told my next door neighbor this (who has 2 two year olds) and she looked really irritated... I'm sure it's because he wears cloth diapers and hates the feel of going in them.

I'm in love with my bike... it rules so much!!!

I need to go see fireflies before I cry!

1 comment:

lauren ♥ said...

COME VISIT MEEEE! they won't be around much longer (their season is almost up). i'm glad i'm not the only one with a broken camera. my little elph died recently too. luckily i had a back up camera. i hope you do awesome tomorrow! good luck lady! <3 -lauren