Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Django loves to do windows, sweep, mop... but this is a new one that I found was a great way to keep him entertained while I have other house work to do...

My kid > than anything in the world!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Today it was nice outside... I got baking done, I lifted weights, ran, had an awesome swim work out... and Django and I played outside. I love feeling productive and healthy. Today was supposed to be my first day with out wheat but there were remnants of food left so I ate them up. I decided to try giving up wheat for a while since it makes up most of my diet... A lot of people swear by it but I guess we'll see what all the fuss is about. I am sure it will help me eat less junk... and by junk, I mean cupcakes. Although, my gluten free cupcakes are even better than the wheat ones...

Today Django and I finally mailed out dillos to Danny and Steve... Django helped with the boxes (don't worry they were frozen and packed tight).

Django had another go with the chalk, he seems to really like it... although, I keep finding piles of chalk off the side of the front porch (along with spoons, toys, etc. maybe I will find my lost keys there)...
For anyone who does not know... dandelions are my favourite flower. They grow where ever the hell they want to grow, you can't make them go away, they are stubborn, resiliant, dye everything that touches them, and they look amazing when they take over a lawn. Probably the BEST thing in the world is a huge green lawn filled with yellow dandelions. Django has started to pick them which makes me sad because they aren't growing BUT probably makes the neighbor happy because our yard looks so trashy. (Well, not trashy to me but I guess the neighbor who has a "perfect" lawn might think so.)

But... Django thinks that Dandelions go to Dook for some reason... so he picks them and takes them to him. Sad. He's running through the house to take them to him...

Yeah, seriously... I know it's annoying when people post every damn picture of their kid up but dammit.... my kid is cute so there!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

On a lighter note...

Trying to decide which cupcake to eat first... He caught me on a day that I decided to let him have treats, and he was very excited!!!
XVX at the park...

Naked photographer... He loves to take my old camera and carry it around it's super cute!!!

Take Back The Night...

"Take back the night"...

Take it back from predators... from any who prey on another to feel powerful. Take it back and feel safe from an abuser, from someone who threatens, lies, and disgraces... Take it back from someone who threatens my life, the life of my son, who knows I am a victim of attack and proceeds to use me to make himself feel empowered... to inform me that through the "I want to be with you forever" and "you are the love of my life" after the conception of my son I would be informed "I only used you for sex" and "You are a slut"... To remind me that I gave exactly too much of myself to someone I trusted with my life.

This is a phrase that was coined for empowerment and I am currently feeling disgusted that it is being used by someone who is violent against women, I have experienced first hand abuse from and is using this phrase in a way that will benefit himself in the eyes of people who would not know better. Self promotion by means of hypocrisy... By someone who has been seen to punch a girl at a show, and defend beating up women and people who are smaller than him in public forum...

It is of my opinion that few people have true loyalty. From this point on I am adopting a no tolerance policy. There's a thin line and I don't want to associate with people who can't seem to walk on a side and defend it. You either stand up for something or you sit back and watch as people suffer. I don't know if it's my downfall that I speak my mind... that I am not able to sit back and not say anything as people hurt others... But it certainly makes me a lot of enemies. I have no respect for anyone who knows what he has done, what he has justified and knows how it has effected my life and can justify a friendship with him.

I'm sick of drama, I am sick of shit talk but I have come to the conclusion that whether I keep my mouth shut or not both of these things will occur. I have sat back for far too long in my attempt to keep the peace and am no longer able to do these things. Peoples true colors always show eventually but it seems as if most would rather look the other way than to see them . With that said... Here closes another chapter on another friendship lost to lack of respect.

Raise money for an organization that needs it, it's a great cause... but don't insult the victim, other victims, and a friend by accepting something to raise money created by someone who is guilty of the same offense you're fighting against.

Don't forget this piece of "art" was created by the same person who created this piece of "art" celebrating Jack The Ripper... Irony or true colors?... I guess only a few of us choose to see the truth.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What I am...

So, I rarely have down time... and I would like to think it's because I am doing a lot of productive things but today I have claimed down time because it's yukky outside and I don't at all feel like baking. The weather is yukky, I am stuck at the bakery... and nobody wants to come to the bakery when the weather is yukky so I figured I'd update my blog.

Here's what's up with me... I own a vegan bakery in the suburbs of Salt Lake City... after talking about starting various vegan businesses for many years I finally did it (about a year ago). I guess the real trick was tethering myself to one place for more than a few months. I am still not at all fully invested in being stuck here but for now, this is where I am... this is what I do...
so that's the bakery... I'm pretty proud of it, even though it's a small operation in the alley of a Chinese food spot...

I've also been training for triathlons. It's pretty intense... I've been doing two work outs a day and it's exhausting. I guess that would be why I have no time more than anything. I guess I've always been drawn to crazy extreme stuff but I like doing things I can be proud of. I have my first race in a few weeks and I am looking forward to it so much!!! I got to go check out my new bike today, it came in to the bike shop but they still have to build it... it's amazing!
Here is my last, and best time sucker... Little Django Riot eating his first ever lime sorbet cone. (First frozen treat cone of any sort!)... He was pretty excited about it!

I never wanted kids, I always thought I would be a terrible and really selfish Mom. I was terrified of the pain of child birth, I was terrified of being awkward and not knowing what to do as a parent, I was terrified of not knowing what to do when the tears came... as it turns out I am really good at all of those things, and have never felt so fulfilled and so much love in my life!

Circumstance that was unfavorable brought Django into my life but nothing has ever been so perfect! Seeing his eyes light up when he discovers something new... Watching him learn new things, doing things that seem so strange for a child to do, his hugs, kisses, laughter... everything about him is so perfect and amazing. It's pretty rough at times, especially financially... being a single Mom, small business owner with zero child support is not the best situation to be in for someone with a potentially expensive hobby like racing, but Django comes first and I am ok with that...

So there it is, the wasting of a few minutes of free time I took for myself, to reflect on the things that are important to me... It feels theraputic and I will probably do it more often.
